Saturday, January 15, 2011


Athletes at the beginning of the Landsharks Kickoff Meeting for the year

The effects of low body fat and free beer at the end of the gathering.
On Thursday night the Louisville Landsharks Multisport Club had a gathering for all the athletes and sponsors. For the sponsors they had tables for us to display our products and services. For the athletes they offered a buffet and Landshark beer. There was also a brief meeting to discuss the gowth of the club and what the year ahead offers. A good time seemed to be had by all.
The growth of the club has been amazing over the past year. Membership by years end was up to 167, if my memory serves. Not only has membership grown, but the opportunities for the members to train and socialize as well as compete as a group has increased many fold.
The club is doing extremely well in a competition against other clubs set up by USA Triathlon. In the competition members keep track of their distance in individual sports. December was the swim month, Jan is cycling, and Feb will be running.
If you are a multisport athlete or considering becoming one the Landsharks can be a valuable resource for you. They offer training and racing possibilities, but most importantly they offer association with the other members. If you have ever been around triathletes you know they love to tell stories about their adventures. If you listen close you may pick up some valuable tips.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cardinal Triathlon at Captains Quarters

Big news. There is a new location for the Cardinal Harbour Triathlon. It will be held at Captains Quarters on River Road. Check out their website at This will be a really cool location and after the race participants will recieve lunch prepared by Captains Quarters.

The race will be a week earlier this year on July 9.

The swim will start and finish at the dock at Captains Quarters. With a great vantage for spectators.

The bike will cover much of the same course as in previous years. Rose Island Road will be replaced by River Road and more of 42. Much more of another course athletes seem to have some intrest in.

We are still working out details on the run course. Trying to keep it as flat as possible and getting it approved by the police.

This will be a great event for both the athletes and spectators. Look for complete details in the next few days.