Sunday, September 9, 2007


Who are these people who spend their lives posting on these forums? I look at our Louisville Landsharks forum and think this is a great idea. Everybody seems to be giving advice, sharing stories, and truly attempting to create a community of triathletes. I assumed all triathlon forums would be much the same way. Not being a big fan of the computer I had not read any of the other forums out there.

I couldn't sleep one night last week so I thought I would see what people had written about IM Louisville. I found the forum at All seemed well. Everyone seemed to like the race. There were a few silly complaints about shirts, etc, and some constructive discussions of items like traffic and the Raccoon. All in all it seemed like a great thing people out discussing issues that affect us all, and even bragging (with all right to do so) about their accomplishments.

This morning it was drizzling out and my back was giving me some problems, do it was easy for me to decide to delay my ride. I thought I would check out some more post in the ST forums. After reading a few threads I became more disappointed in triathletes than I have been in the 25 years I have been involved in this sport.

One particular thread was on wearing headphones. The answer seemed simple. It is against the rules, don't do it. The thread broke down to insults and threats of violence. When I want to be exposed to that kind of talk I watch professional wrestling. I never expect it from triathletes. It seems like there are people who spend their lives on these things and have created their own little wars with others. They fight their battles at the expense of those who are really trying to get information.

I hear the term lifestyle used about triathlon alot. Assume I were new to this sport and posed a question on one of these national forums. It may be a silly question, but how many of us did not have silly questions when we started. If the answers I received consisted of calling me a dumb ass and threatening to run me in a ditch and beat me, why would I want anything to do with that lifestyle.

More importantly, if we get this type of reputation why would any venue want a race filled with these kind of people, or why would any organization want to sponsor anything these people are involved in?

The answer is simple. Triathletes are some of the best people I have had the honor of being around. In our local area I have never thought of any athlete being any way other than encouraging and helpful to the new athletes. Before every event we put on I get emails and phone calls along the lines of this is my first race and I have no idea what to do. I help theses people all I can and normally leave them with the advice that If they get to the race and have any problems just ask anybody, because these athletes will more than happy to share what they know.

Maybe I live in my own little dream world, but it works for me. I see triathletes as dedicated, honest, driven, good people. As a group they are also affluent, loyal to good products, and in general good at sharing information on things they like. That last statement was aimed at potential sponsors, of course. I have such faith in this group of people that when I read things like I did this morning or hear of drug use in the sport it totally shocks and kind of hurts me. I can not believe that any of the athletes I have ever been around would be rude to anyone involved in the sport and the thought of someone doing anything to cheat on purpose at one of my events never crosses my mind.

If you are a triathlete you have every right to be proud of yourself. Not because you can stay afloat, balance a bike, and put one foot in front of the other, but of who you. Would you be any different if you were involved in another activity? Of course not. We are just lucky that triathlon has the type of appeal that brings so many high quality people together.

On the other hand if you are you of the rare people who has such self esteem issues that you need to get on national forums, call names, and make threats I really wish you would focus your attention on another activity and stop making us look bad. I do not care how fast of how far you can swim, bike, or run. You may be a world champion, but if you are not a good ambassador for our sport please go chase people off from another sport so the rest of us can welcome them with open arms.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Post

I never realize how little I have to say, until I address a group of people. This is no exception. A blog seemed like a great idea. A wonderful tool to communicate items of importance about our races. I could share my brilliant observations and opinions. The possibilities seemed amazing. I did a little research on setting up a blog and then did it. I was so excited and proud of myself. The next thing I know I am staring at this empty box I am to write those brilliant observations and opinions in. It was at this point that I found I have none. A very depressing moment. Don't get me wrong I have plenty of observations and opinions, they are just not very intelligent. Being who I am that will not stop me.

Here is the plan for this site. I will post anything I believe relevant and a whole bunch of things that are not. Look for race reports, pre-race information, information on our sponsors, training items, and pretty much whatever I feel like writing. If you have any ideas for changes let me know. I may totally ignore them, but at least you tried.

For those who don't know me (the lucky ones) a little background info. I started running (and really sucked at it) around 1980. Did my first triathlon in 1982. Took a little time off from '89 to '96. Insanity set in and I started running again. Since that point I have done a little of everything from 5Ks to 100 mile trail runs. At some point the local park asked me to help with the annual triathlon and I became a race director. About the same time I was downsized out of a job (seemed just like getting fired) so I decided to become a full time race director. Anyone who thinks that is a brilliant idea, because of the entry fees they pay should take a look at what I drive before jumping in. Being around triathlon again gave me the bug so I started training for cycling and swimming. Two months later I thought I was ready for my first iron-distance race. As often happens in my life, I was wrong. I survived and had a great run. It was just everything leading up to that point that gave me problems. In the last few years I have competed in just about every distance. I have found that I am not very good at the short stuff. I tend to fair much better in the longer distances. There seems to be a correlation between brains and endurance. The less you have of one the better you do at the other. I have done double iron distances (4.8 mile swim/224 mile bike/ 52.4 mile run) up to quintuple iron distance (12 mile swim/560 mile bike/131 mile run). Had fairly good results in those.

Well that about sums up who I am and what to look for here. Now the trick is to see if I will actually keep posting stuff.